
Minuteman Posts:

NOTE: Jan 2007 ended my updates on Minuteman Project. Having become a Line Leader (i.e. Shift Supervisor) my exposure about what I was up to at the time could not be nearly as public. Unfortunately this was rather contrary to why I joined. As time passed, even more unfortunately, the organization became plagued with politics. I sincerely can place no blame on the founders of the movement, but "middle management" became unbearable, forcing me to hang up my Minuteman hat.

April 2005:
Weekend 1
Weekend 2
Weekend 3
Weekend 4

May 2005 Muster

July 2005 Muster

September 2005 Muster

October Project, 2005:
Weekend 1
Colorado Contingent (Week 1)
Weekend 2
Weekend 3
Weekend 4
Weekend 5

December 2005 Muster <-- will be updated soon Due to my son's birth and stroke, I was not able to attend the January or February musters.

April Project, 2006 (I WILL eventually update this.)

I was not able to attend the October project due to work.

January 2007 Muster